Our Pastor


Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan

Rev.Dr.Albert Jebanesan


Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan was born Sri Lanka in 1957. He obeyed God’s calling for ministering Methodist Church Sri Lanka on a full time basis in 1979. He progressed to Theological College of Lanka, affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University), India and graduated with a Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree (1985) and Bachelor of Divinity (BD) degree (1988). He successfully completed his PhD in Theology from the Faculty of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1999).

Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan was ordained as a minister of the Methodist Church, Sri Lanka and held various ministerial positions between 1984-2015. God has blessed him with many accomplishments:

1984 – 1990:- Responsible for a Radio Broadcasting Programme (in Tamil) for the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) through the National Christian Council.

1986 – 1991:- Editor of the periodical Thoduvanam (Horizon - Tamil bimonthly) for Christian Education in the Methodist Church.

1994:- Appointed to the faculty of the Theological College of Lanka.

2002 – 2006:- Chairman of the Central District of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka.

2004 – 2009:- Principal of the ecumenical Theological College of Lanka.

2010-2015:- President of the Methodist Church Sri Lanka.

Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan is a gifted teacher and a pastor. He is highly talented in preaching and teaching using modern media technology. He has the gift of listening and to counsel individuals with personal, ethical, or spiritual challenges.

He has been constantly involved with the war affected people and ministering to them in the times of crisis. This has empowered him with the belief that God has called him to holistically minister to the congregational members with various spiritual and social needs.

He has published several theological articles and presented papers in various conferences. He has also successfully published many books.

Rev. Dr. Albert Jebanesan is happily married to Priyanthy and they are blessed with two sons Jason and Ivan.

The Leaders (Joint Board & Council) and Members of the Tamil Christian Church of Canada are grateful to God for providing the church with this earthly shepherd of immense passion and skill and seek God’s guidance for his pastoral leadership.